Rhiannon Story Yoga
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Book a Live yoga Class

Practise with me on Zoom from the comfort of your own home (and mine!)


Class bookings should be confirmed at least 1 hour before class starts. Can't make it? Don't worry, I'll email you a recording after the class.




“Through rhiannon’s yoga classes I am slowly rebuilding strength, flexibility and balance, and I am already making less frequent trips to the chiro for adjustment. Rhiannon puts a lot of thought into themes for each class, she is cognisant of the fact that most of us sit behind a desk for long hours every day and she gives us many options to work within the limits of what our bodies can do. I continue to be surprised with how much my body can actually do whilst working with a teacher I trust completely.”

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after something else?



Whether you fancy a one time flow or you’re seeking inspiration to grow a more regular yoga practice, I’ve got you covered.

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Handy rEsources

Let me guide you through some of my favourite resources to aid your practise.

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Private Classes

From 1:1 sessions to corporate classes, I can guide you or your group through tailored yoga that meets your needs

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